April, 2022

CompletedViking Fun Day10apr10:30 am3:30 pm10:30 am - 3:30 pm Hereford Rowing Club, Grey Friars Avenue, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0BE, UK


Viking Fun Day

In 878, in the countryside surrounding the Saxon minster, modern day Eye near Leominster, someone buried a remarkable hoard of coins and Jewelry to protect it from theft. They never returned to collect it and there it remained until 2015 when thieves equipped with modern metal detecting equipment robbed it out of the ground.

The finders did not have permission to be on the land and did not declare their finds to the local Coroner’s Office or the Museum Service (which is a legal requirement under the Treasure Act of 1996) instead they began to sell objects from the Hoard on the black market.

We are launching a campaign to return the Hoard to Herefordshire with a fabulous Viking Fun Day.

There will be a number of events through the day:

  • A Viking camp
  • Viking shield & combat practise
  • Viking life explored
  • Display about the Herefordshire Hoard Replica hoard and Viking objects
  • Hands-on activities & dressing up
  • Metal detecting displays and ‘Have a go at metal detecting’

We will be joined by the award-winning Discover History historical educators, The local viking Re-enactment group ‘Black Crows’, Birmingham based Dark Ages re-enactment group Brumvick, the local metal detecting club ‘The Hereford Searchers’, and the replica maker Bodgit&bandit.

A bar will be available selling drink and light refreshments.


10th April 2022 10:30 am - 3:30 pm

All Events & Offers At This Location

Hereford Rowing Club

Grey Friars Avenue, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0BE, UK